Dress Code Guide
Dress Code Guide for Serving in Mexico
While in Mexico, we’ll need to ask a few favors of your mission team. Perhaps the most important one involves dress. Please be aware that the people in Mexico are much more conservative and traditional than in the U.S.A. Therefore, please don’t wear extreme type clothes or dress in a way that would cause undue attention to you. To be effective in missions, we must respect the Mexicans while in their country. The first and most important mission principle to understand about missions is that “We must set aside our dress and customs and adopt those of the country in which we are serving.” The following info is not intended to judge anyone, just give some helpful guidelines so your mission trip can be as successful as possible.
Keep in mind that you will be involved in a variety of activities: church, work, travel, etc. The weather can be somewhat warm during the day and cooler at night (during winter and spring). During work construction times, it's not wise to wear sandals or open-toed shoes, however, it can be helpful to have a pair of sandals or slip-on's for going to the showers or night trips to the bathroom.
Here are some helpful guidelines to make your ministry most effective:
For Everyone
Please avoid a sloppy appearance
Please be governed by a sense of modesty
No extreme clothing, please
No body piercing jewelry, please
No extreme T-shirts or hats, please
No extreme hair color, please
For Ladies
No suggestive clothing (i.e. tight or form fitting shirts blouses or dresses, short shorts, half-shirts or anything that shows the tummy)
A dress or skirt/blouse is a must for church (no sleeveless tops)
Jeans or long capris may be worn during work projects and VBS
No shorts may be worn to any outreach
No excessive jewelry is suggested as the Mexican children might want you to give it to them or might break it
Sweatshirt or warm jacket is recommended for the cool evenings (wintertime months: December - March)
Please no low cut necklines on dresses or shirts
Please no strap-type shirts
No excessively baggy clothing, please
Jeans may be worn to church
Jeans or longer shorts may be worn during work projects and VBS's
If your ears are pierced, leave the earring(s) at home, please
A sweatshirt or warm jacket is recommended for the cool evenings (during spring and winter months)
No tank tops, please
Please understand that we don't ask these things to be legalistic or to deprive you of your individuality. It's just that particular appearances don't say the same thing in Mexico as they might in the U.S. The people we are serving are looking at us from their cultural lens and point of view. We must not damage our impact by allowing material things to get in the way.
Suggested Clothes to Bring
Work Clothes (For both Men and Women)
Old Jeans
Old shirts
Work gloves
Work shoes
Dress for Vacation Bible School Outreaches/Home Visitation & Prayer Ministry
Men – Unless your work clothes are extremely dirty they can be worn to V.B.S. You will be playing and interacting with children in a fairly dusty environment so changing is not really necessary.
Women – Pants are fine, no sleeveless tops, dress modestly. Keep in mind V.B.S time is outdoors and somewhat dirty. Don’t wear your best stuff. It’s also a good idea not to wear your jewelry to V.B.S. as the children will want you to give it to them or be distracted by it.
Dress for Church Outreaches
Men – Nice jeans (or equivalent) and casual shirts
Women – Dress or skirt that goes below the knees when seated.
Note for the ladies - Please do not wear open sleeve tops to any events that involve being around your Mexican brothers and sisters in Christ. They dress much more modestly than those in the states.